7 Terrifying Things They Don't Tell You About Pregnancy
Thanks to sitcoms, romantic comedies and our mother's cuss-filled
horror stories, we all know pregnancy is no walk in the park. In fact,
pregnancy can cause some horrible, horrible things, like inny belly buttons temporarily turning into outies and ugly-people-making.
And then there's the stuff from a horror movie. Here are seven bizarre symptoms pregnant women experience prior to giving birth that would make the rest of us think we were dying of a disease they're going to name after us.
And then there's the stuff from a horror movie. Here are seven bizarre symptoms pregnant women experience prior to giving birth that would make the rest of us think we were dying of a disease they're going to name after us.
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
In movies like Knocked Up, vomiting is a quick and tidy signal that the lady in question has a bun in the oven. Once she realizes what's going on, the nausea magically disappears, and our mother-to-be gets on with her wacky life crisis, right?
In the worst cases, extreme nausea lands moms-to-be in the hospital for dehydration, and nothing short of an IV can get them back into fighting shape. And even when someone does come up with a medicine to treat nausea, most ladies hesitate to medicate themselves while hosting a mini-human parasite. Especially since the last time a nausea medicine was widely prescribed, it left 10,000 kids around the world with severe birth defects.
Metal Mouth
To someone already suffering from a host of other ailments, the
constant taste of penny suckage is not the best way to start the day.
Plus, some prenatal vitamins
make the metal taste worse. And it's not like you can skip out on the
prenatal vitamins if you ever want to look your child in the eye (eyes,
if you're lucky) later on. On the plus side, for most women suffering
from metal mouth, the taste goes away after the first trimester. On the
negative side, the best way to distract taste buds is with foods that
are high in acid, which probably aren't going to be doing the maternal
stomach any favors.

What starts out sounding like something the Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff do in the summer actually suuuuucks when you're pregnant. As everyone knows, the most horrifying part of pregnancy isn't the changes your body goes through, it's the prospect of squeezing a person out of a lemon-sized orifice. Fortunately, that's where the hormone relaxin comes in. Relaxin is what gets the pelvic muscles all loosey-goosey in preparation for the big push. So, obviously, it's a good thing. Unfortunately, the hormone doesn't just confine itself to the nether regions; it's also what causes women's feet to grow by up to a whole shoe size during pregnancy, as the tendons that keep the bones in her feet together relax and start high-fiving the ground with every step.

But walking around with a permanent case of clown feet isn't the
worst part of relaxin. The horror is that all that relaxin extends to
your freakin' esophagus. As in, the one place that blocks stomach acid
from shooting up into your throat hole. So if you're ever talking to a
glowing mom to be and she gives a sudden, gurgled "GAHHARHGG," don't
make fun. Her stomach contents just relaxed their way up into her mouth.

Speaking of relaxin, sometimes ladies get so much of it that their
abdominal muscles relax the fuck off the belly. They just flat out vamanos
from the the Front of the Stomach Club and separate. That's when a new
gang shows up, the Ridge Going Down the Middle of Your Stomach Gang.
That ridge? That's a uterus. Here's an illustration of one in action
It's almost like the abdominal muscles are giving your body a preview of what's going to happen to your vagina in a few months. But where things really get disgusting is after the baby is long gone from its home womb. When a mom has a diastasis recti, her abdominal walls stay separated, but without a 7-pound person stretching them out. It looks, uh, sorry to do this, kind of like this:
Be sure to call your mom and say hello!
Gingivitis and Pregnancy "Tumors"There's an old wives' tale that says, "For every pregnancy, a woman loses a tooth."
It turns out that research found that, on average, women with children have fewer teeth than women without. As the levels of estrogen and progesterone climb higher, gums become more sensitive and often swell. They also bleed more easily, so the pearly white smile that normally follows a good tooth-brushing becomes a nasty red one.
In fact, according to one report, up to 75 percent of women suffer
from gingivitis during their pregnancies. And since we're so jaded from
hearing all about gingivitis on toothpaste commercials, we tend to
forget what actual gingivitis looks like. Here you
What starts out sounding like something the Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff do in the summer actually suuuuucks when you're pregnant. As everyone knows, the most horrifying part of pregnancy isn't the changes your body goes through, it's the prospect of squeezing a person out of a lemon-sized orifice. Fortunately, that's where the hormone relaxin comes in. Relaxin is what gets the pelvic muscles all loosey-goosey in preparation for the big push. So, obviously, it's a good thing. Unfortunately, the hormone doesn't just confine itself to the nether regions; it's also what causes women's feet to grow by up to a whole shoe size during pregnancy, as the tendons that keep the bones in her feet together relax and start high-fiving the ground with every step.
It's almost like the abdominal muscles are giving your body a preview of what's going to happen to your vagina in a few months. But where things really get disgusting is after the baby is long gone from its home womb. When a mom has a diastasis recti, her abdominal walls stay separated, but without a 7-pound person stretching them out. It looks, uh, sorry to do this, kind of like this:
Be sure to call your mom and say hello!
Gingivitis and Pregnancy "Tumors"There's an old wives' tale that says, "For every pregnancy, a woman loses a tooth."
It turns out that research found that, on average, women with children have fewer teeth than women without. As the levels of estrogen and progesterone climb higher, gums become more sensitive and often swell. They also bleed more easily, so the pearly white smile that normally follows a good tooth-brushing becomes a nasty red one.